"Sensory Interventions for Older Adults Living with Dementia" by William Tigno, Leigh Hayden et al.

Publications and Scholarship

Document Type


Publication Date

Winter 2-2-2021


Sheridan Elder Research Centre, Centre for Elder Research (CER), dementia, older adults, sensory intervention, aroma therapy, art therapy, light therapy, multi-component therapy, multisensory room, multisensory therapy, music therapy, nature therapy, touch therapy


This tool maps out existing literature on sensory interventions for people living with dementia. It allows users to select a sensory intervention that might be feasible in their context, produce outcomes that are relevant to them. It is based on a scoping review of the literature. Our scoping review identified what interventions exist to produce particular outcomes, in particular contexts. It did not address effectiveness. As such, this tool will help you identify what others have done in a particular context, and to produce particular outcomes. It will not tell you which options are most effective.


Sheridan Research

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