"As Seen Through Their Eyes: The Learning Needs of Ontario Elders" by Pat Spadafora

Publications and Scholarship

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older adults, Sheridan Elder Research Centre


This study investigated the learning needs, interests and learning styles of Ontarians 65+ as seen through their eyes. This work was guided by evidence that learning in later life has significant benefits for seniors on their quality of life, which in turn improves health outcomes. Improved health outcomes can lessen the demand that will be placed on an already over-taxed health care system. Given the aging of the Canadian population, understanding their learning needs and preferences is essential to effectively create and maintain programs that support learning in later life. A ‘snapshot’ of learning opportunities available to older adults was developed and analyzed to determine the extent of congruence between learning preferences as expressed by older adults and what, in fact, exists.


Research Centres


Sheridan Elder Research Centre (SERC)


Publisher's version

Peer Reviewed/Refereed Publication



This work was funded by a contribution from the Canadian Council on Learning.

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Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.

Original Publication Citation

Spadafora, P. (2009). As seen through their eyes: The learning needs of Ontario elders. [Report]. Oakville: Sheridan Elder Research Centre (SERC).

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