"Rumalsa Khan" by Rumalsa Khan

Paisley Mill

Document Type

Student Work

Publication Date

Winter 2022


Paisley Mill, Studio 6, 3D wall section, architectural technology, detailing, rendering, adaptive re-use

Design Concept

The 3D wall section’s intent is to show both the structural functionality and social functionality of Paisley Mill. My proposal of Paisley Mill is designed to be a place to welcome tourists are residents of Brockton throughout the seasons. The new addition features a café/bakery, a large multi-purpose room, and a souvenir shop. Visitors are encouraged to walk around the great site and go hiking in the forest, canoeing in the river, and enjoy their time in the outdoors. The surrounding nature is a major contribution to the atmosphere of Paisley. The silhouettes of people and the trees that surround the building in the 3D Section are to paint a vivid image of how this structure will present itself to people. The structural integrity of the building is most vital to its success, visually understanding the components that keep the building absolute. Its detailing and mechanisms show how the building is well put together, and is a reliable structure. The light tones in a ‘sketch’ pattern of colours represent the soft atmosphere of the building. The final product, the people, the structure, the colour tones, all combined together demonstrate what the building is supposed to epitomize; a cozy place in a small town, keeping its people safe, with a strong connection to the environment.


Faculty of Applied Science & Technology (FAST)

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Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.

Original Publication Citation

Khan, R. (2022).Paisley Hill. [Unpublished]. Faculty of Applied Science & Technology, Sheridan College.
