"Aging in Place" by Lee Hardy and Andrea Holder

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aging, income insecurity, disabilities, chronic medical conditions


Our research seeks to identify creative approaches to facilitate aging in place, focusing on evaluating the effectiveness of various programs, strategies, and concepts that support older adults and generating novel ideas to address any existing gaps in this context. Its primary goal is to uncover innovative solutions for helping older adults in aging in place. Initially, a concise, confidential survey with sixteen questions addressing demographics, housing particulars, and health factors was administered to establish a candidate pool meeting our criteria. Following this, we conducted in-depth semi-structured interviews featuring five questions to explore the nuances of participants' housing experiences and examine potential solutions. Our research findings revealed numerous gaps in accessing services, social connectedness and the financial challenges individuals face in determining how they age in place. These identified gaps highlight the pressing need for targeted interventions to bridge these crucial disparities and ensure a more comprehensive and equitable support system for aging individuals. Our research challenged traditional approaches to aging in place, urging a reconsideration of conventional methods. It underscores the intricate interplay among the themes of connection, independence, autonomy, and accessibility, emphasizing their interconnected significance within the context of aging in place.


Faculty of Applied Health & Community Studies (FAHCS)


Bachelor of Social and Community Development

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Original Publication Citation

Hardy, L., & Holder, A. (2024). Aging in place [Unpublished poster]. Sheridan College.


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