"Building Mental Health Support in Ontario Colleges and Universities f" by Sumayya Nisar and Sukhmanpreet Kaur

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mental health, Ontario, college, university, international students, wellness, well-being


This study delves into the crucial realm of mental health among international students in Ontario colleges, aiming to identify barriers and propose solutions for improvement. Employing a mixed-methods approach, the research combines qualitative and quantitative methodologies through surveys with 25 international students. The study identifies gaps in mental health support and activities, acknowledging the unique challenges faced by students from diverse cultural backgrounds. Analysis of literature reveals common mental health issues exacerbated by college life, interpersonal relationships, and financial pressures. A significant aspect of the study is its comprehensive examination of mental health, offering insights through numerical data and qualitative perspectives. The research underscores the importance of tailored mental health services that cater to the specific needs of international students. Recommendations include the provision of multilingual resources, fostering a supportive college environment, and increasing awareness of mental health initiatives. Proposed interventions aim to establish inclusive support networks, addressing the unique mental health challenges encountered by international students and promoting a culture of well-being in college settings.


Faculty of Applied Health & Community Studies (FAHCS)


Bachelor of Social and Community Development

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.

Original Publication Citation

Nisar, S., & Kaur, S. (2024). Building mental health support in Ontario colleges and universities for international students: Breaking down barriers to wellness [Unpublished poster]. Sheridan College.


GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-being

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