"The Camera: Capturing a Moment in Time" by Puneet Kapoor, Ambar Kapoor et al.

Joy in the Mundane: Winter 2022

The Camera: Capturing a Moment in Time

Document Type

Student Work

Publication Date

Winter 2022


camera, history of the Camera, photography, photos


Through the information displayed within this project, we wanted to take the reader through a journey of the history of the Camera as used for photography, illustrating the art that is capturing a moment in time. With the underlying theme ‘Joy in the Mundane’, capturing a photo as we all do mindlessly everyday with our smartphones, we decided to dive into the history of the camera and its journey to the present day. The information is displayed through three time periods chronologically beginning with the invention of the first camera in 1816, taking the reader all the way to present day photography. The time periods included are 1816-1974, 1974-200, and 2000- the present. In addition to the chronological display of information, within each time period we have included tags on each icon talking about how the camera as a piece of technology has evolved, the way society has been influenced by the camera and lastly, how the quality of the images have changed as well.


Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences (FHASS)

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