"Group 3" by Pravinbhai Romil Vadadoriya, Sanjay Aniket Jha et al.

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Concept Sketch

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Sheridan College, City of Mississauga, community health, green space, urban design, streetscape

Design Brief

Preventing type 2 diabetes can be significantly aided by fostering walkable communities with alternative green spaces and mixed use neighbourhoods. These environments encourage regular physical activity, promote healthy lifestyles and improve overall wellbeing, helping to reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.


Explore possible built form interventions to improve community health including access to green space, air quality, access to healthy food, walkability in the west, north, northeastern and central areas of Mississauga.


Faculty of Applied Science & Technology (FAST)

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GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-being GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities GOAL 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal

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