"Creativity, Boredom Proneness and Well-Being in the Pandemic" by Nicholaus P. Brosowsky, Nathaniel Barr et al.

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creativity; boredom proneness; COVID-19 pandemic; well-being


Throughout the course of the pandemic, it has become clear that the strictures of social isolation and various levels of lockdown constraints have impacted people’s well-being. Here, our aim was to explore relations between trait dispositions associated with boredom proneness, selfregulation and well-being using data collected early in the pandemic. Specifically, we explored whether the tendency to engage in everyday creative pursuits (e.g., making your own greeting cards) would act as a prophylactic against poor well-being. Results showed that well-being was higher for those individuals who increased engagement with creative pursuits during the early stages of the pandemic. That is, people who engaged more in everyday creative activities also reported higher levels of self-esteem, optimism, and positive affect. In contrast, those who pursued fewer creative outlets had higher levels of depression and anxiety, were higher in boredom proneness, and reported experiencing more negative affect. As we emerge from the pandemic, these data provide a clue as to how people might plan to cope adaptively with the restrictive circumstances this extreme world event engendered. More generally, these data provide support for the notion that everyday creativity (and not necessarily creative expertise) has positive associations for well-being.


Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences (FHASS)


Behavioral Sciences





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Original Publication Citation

Brosowsky, N. P., Barr, N., Mugon, J., Scholer, A. A., Seli, P., & Danckert, J. (2022). Creativity, boredom proneness and well-being in the pandemic. Behavioral Sciences, 12(3), 68.https://doi.org/10.3390/bs12030068


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